Join us in-person on Sundays at 9 or 10:30 am and online at 10:30 am. Find the Livestream HERE.

First Things First

"In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity." - Rupertus Meldenius. Christian faith contains doctrines that we must keep “First Things First”. These are the essentials to salvation that are important for every Christian to believe. There are also secondary and tertiary issues that differ between believers. How can we love one another with these non-essential differences? Join us this winter as we seek to understand and love God and each other more as we look at some of the big principles of our faith.

Week 1
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Week 2
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Week 3
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Week 4
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Week 5
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Week 6
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Week 7
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Week 8
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Week 9
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Week 10
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 Christ Above All (Colossians)

Colossians is a New Testament letter written to the church in Colossae, who was a small church that needed a big reminder--that God is in control. This 13-week sermon series on Colossians will remind us to focus our minds on Christ no matter what successes or challenges may come into our lives. As believers, we can have hope because Christ is Above All!

Week 1
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Week 2
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Week 3
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Week 4
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Week 5
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Week 6
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Week 7
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 Week 8
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Week 9
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Week 10
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Week 11
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Week 12
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Week 13
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Faithful (1 Corinthians)

“And God was faithful…” Isn’t that such a beautiful phrase? That word “faithful” pertains to being trustworthy and dependable. It describes someone we can have full confidence in. Only God is all of those things. But how do we experience and embrace His faithfulness in our everyday lives? As we celebrate God’s faithfulness to our church over the last 60 years, we will be reminded by 1 Corinthians how He continues to be faithful every day.

Week 1
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Week 2
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Week 3
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Week 4
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 Week 5
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 Week 6
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